
Nightwish – L'Hora del Conte (Storytime)


It was the night before
Went all through the world
No words, no dreams – then, one day
A writer by a fire
Imagine all of Gaia
Took a journey into a childless heart
A painter on the shore
Imagine all the world
Within a snowflake or his heart
A friend of poetry, of countless operas
Get it in, falling back into the stars

I am the voice from never never land
The innocence that reached from every man
I am the empty grave of Peter Pan
A silent kite against a blue blue sky
Every chimney every moonlit sight
I am the story that will read you real
Every memory that you hold dear

I am the journey
I am the destination
I am the whole mad tale that reads you
Away to teach the night-feelers to fly
Follow the madness, lad, if you know a thing
Imaginarium, a dream emporium
Caress the tales and they will be
A story teller’s game
With that he flicks the gate
He calls and follows a limitless journey for dreams

I am the voice from never never land
The innocence that reached from every man
I am the empty grave of Peter Pan
A silent kite against a blue blue sky
Every chimney every moonlit sight
I am the story that will read you real
Every memory that you hold dear

I am the voice from never never land
The innocence that reached from every man
Searching heavens for another hand

Never land
Dreams are everywhere
Never land
Every man
Peter Pan

Senzill del proper disc i pel·lícula de Nightwish, “Imaginaerum”. En un principi era Imaginarium, però ho han canviat al llatí per culpa d’una empresa espanyola. El senzill, “Storytime” (L’hora del conte) es posa a la venda el proper divendres. El disc ho farà a Europa el dia 2 de desembre, mentre que la pel·lícula s’estrenarà el proper 2012.

Els finesos Nightwish es submergeixen en el món dels contes i de la fantasia, en un disc a vessar d’orquestracions (que per cert, són executades per la London Philharmonic Orchestra!) i unes composicions genials de la mà de Tuomas Holopainen. O almenys això esperem!  Seguirem informant.


Entrevista de Marsikal Romero a la banda:

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